Pagan in Minecraft
Produced by: Koden-KM
Website: Pagan-MC @ GitHub | Pagan – Ultima VIII at Planet Minecraft

The second milestone release of kodenkm’s Pagan in Minecraft, a re-creation of the world of Pagan (from Ultima 8) in Minecraft.
This project, which began in early 2014, intends to re-create Ultima 8 in Minecraft’s Adventure Mode. It is still early on in its development, but the developer has been making good progress in re-creating Pagan in the (simplistic) 3D world of Minecraft:
Follow the project on GitHub to see how far Koden is able to take it!
Just a quick update. The project is still moving along, 1-2 nights a week. There are some more screenshots available now showing houses as they are built.
I’ve also put up an overview screenshot from a MCMap Live map viewer to show the current progress. You can see it here:
I noticed some of the other Ultima remakes in Minecraft are using World Painter, i didn’t know about that until now. I’ll have to check that out.
All the current building has been done in Creative mode with some help from MCEdit app to do large fills and copy/paste sections like walls and roads.
The current build is just the static world. After the world is built I will go back and add the items that can be picked up and used, as well as NPC’s.
Not everything fits together good the first time and things need to be shifted and stretched. Eg. the entry way from the Docks to central Tenebrae will have a filler area. Most likely just a continuation of garden/forest similar to the Docks area.
I will release map downloads when each milestone area is built. The first one will be released when the Docks and the city of Tenebrae are finished.
Progress Update
The city is pretty much complete now. There are a few minor things to change and improve with new features from the Minecraft 1.8 update.
I’m working on the Docks area now that i have all the sizes of east and west Tenebrae worked out.
After the Docks is done i’ll update the game intro and then release the Milestone 1 map for download.
I’ve updated the world map overview with new progress:
There is also a night version for Pagan’s eternal Twilight:
I have a question regarding the music that was recreated for the abandoned “Exile” (Neverwinter Nights engine) fan remake.
I still have a copy of some/maybe all of those music files from years ago. The music in Pagan was amazing, it would be great to have some of it included.
Do you think i would be allowed to include them in a Minecraft Resource pack to go along with this remake?
The city looks great; I’ll have to post a news update about that.
As for the music…you wouldn’t be out of place to include Exile music in a Minecraft pack, I don’t think. Including the original game music would be a no-no, however.
Progress Update
I’ve got enough done now for a milestone 1 video and map download. Its still far from complete though.
There is a map file and basic place holder resource pack for some texture changes.
Thanks for the update! I can’t upload an update just yet, but I’ll certainly post some news about it.
I fixed an issue with the default starting location and uploaded a new zip file. This one should at least put the player in the start room and in the correct Adventure game mode.
Here are some more direct download links:
I gave this a go. Was very impressed with the work so far. I didn’t really consider just how big a project this would be until I was logged in. Tenebrae alone is huge. I’m not sure if you realise the hand at the beginning instantly drops you before it does its thing.
Thanks for trying out the map. I have had that happen a couple of times, but I wasn’t able to reproduce it to fix it. The prop Avatar is summoned onto the hand but seems to fall through it. I think it might be caused by a slight delay in the hand clone animation frame some times. I’ve got an idea to try fix it for the milestone 2 update.
Milestone 2 is going to be bigger than I originally planned, but it should actually be done a lot sooner. AvatarAcid (on this site) has done some great work generating a height map of the whole island and exporting it to Minecraft map format. So I just need to (MCEdit) move the city and all the cutscene command blocks to the new map. I made a prototype layout of Daemon’s Crag town on the new map last week, and a prototype of the Argentrock Isle monastery today. Everything should fit pretty well, i just need to slightly increase the Daemon Crag lava island, the town is a bit squished in.
Thanks for the update! I’ll see about getting some news posted this evening.
There are some more details about milestone 2 release on the forums: